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Nissin - Men Shokunin Tan Tan Men with Whole Wheat and Kombu Noodles

Nissin - Men Shokunin Tan Tan Men with Whole Wheat and Kombu Noodles

Regular price $5.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.50 USD
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Unleash a tantalizing taste sensation with Nissin Men Shokunin's Tan Tan Men. Crafted with whole wheat non-fried noodles, enriched with the umami flavor of Kombu (kelp), and paired with a luxuriously thick and savory sesame-based Tan Tan soup, this noodle dish offers a truly indulgent experience. The aromatic soup, sesame seeds, minced meat, and green onions blend together to create a gourmet delight that captures the essence of authentic Japanese cuisine.
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